
The Melbourne Clivia Group was established in 2008 by a group of enthusiasts and has grown from strength-to-strength since that time. You can read more information on the formation of the group, and other Australian groups in the article, The beginnings of a Clivia Club written by Helen Marriott.

Statement of purpose

  • To promote the cultivation, conservation and improvement of the genus Clivia.
  • To facilitate the exchange of information on Clivia between members and through meetings, newsletters and website.
  • To facilitate the exchange of Clivia plants, seeds and pollen between members.
  • To promote interest in Clivia through meetings, demonstrations, open gardens and shows.
  • To co-operate with the Clivia Society and with other Clivia clubs and groups in Australia and throughout the world.

We meet at the Uniting Church Fellowship Room on the corner of Blackburn Road and Burwood Highway in Burwood bi-monthly on a Friday night and Saturday afternoon in June and July. The meetings consist of a speaker, display, sales, raffle and supper. Visitors are always welcome. View our calendar of meeting dates and times for the remainder of the year.

In September we host a CLIVIA EXPO which is a magnificent display of flowering plants, along with sales, demonstrations, raffles, People’s Choice Award and refreshments. 

We welcome new members whether you would like to attend the meetings or just receive our newsletters